
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Finding Self Beauty

The very first time I picked up a camera, I decided I needed to do a self portrait. That entire session was me running back and forth trying to make a decent face, but I kept messing up and I just looked too awkward, so I just started to mess around instead.

I know that taking pictures of yourself can seem kind of arrogant or considered, but I find that I am capable of seeing beauty in myself that wasn't there before. I know that not every day I am beautiful, but at least when I capture a picture of myself that I'm proud of, I know I can be beautiful and feel beautiful, if I want to.

Here are a few images from that session:

The whole point of the session was to get a great portrait, which I think I had success in, but what I found was that I felt beautiful when I was done with it. Sure, my iso is way off and these images are extremely grainy, but they're fun and they feel like me, a me that I find pretty darn beautiful. ;)

xox, a modern dame

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