So, I guess every blog starts with an uncertain introduction. This is mine; my name is Melanie Berg, I'm 23 and live with my boyfriend, Aaron, of 4 years. We met our first year at college. His love for art reflected that of my own and continues to every day. My life pretty much revolves around him. Don't get me wrong, I have a life and friends! I'm not
that socially awkward...
Okay, so I am!
Anyways, my love for blogging started at a young age, my first blog was on
Xanga, if you can believe that. From there I posted on several forums
and websites and have just been addicted to documenting my life and the
things around it ever since.
Here are a few things I like to post about:
Aaron and I
Aaron's adorable daughter, Ashlyn.
"Picture Attack" with Ashlyn P. by Melanie Berg |
Vintage Fashion Photography
"Sarah in the Sunlight" by Melanie Berg |
My Personal Artwork
Musician "Kimbra" by Melanie Berg |
I recently graduated with my Bachelors in Media Arts and Animation. I'm a "visual development artist" -- which is just a silly way of saying that I draw cartoons. More so than that, though, I like to think of myself as a visionary. I have many projects I'm working on and thought that, at this point, it would be a good idea to create a blog dedicated to those things.
Here is the list, in no particular order:
Finish first chapter of novel
Start personal blog
Finish children's book
Gather content for fashion blog
Document your first DIY
Design a fashion collection
Update personal website
Come up with Name for Fashion blog
This list will, most certainly, grow. For now, though, this is what I'm trying to focus on. Of course, by posting this initial introduction, I've completed one already! I guess all one really needs is a bit of time, dedication, and motivation!
xox, a modern dame