
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Costume Makin', Pumpkin Pickin', and Life Lovin'


It has always been my favorite season, ever. 

Everything about it is simply lovely. Not only is every tree covered in my favorite color (orange), it also means that it's time for Halloween! My favorite Holiday!

This month and last has been spent on costume making and fall crafts.

Here are some of the things we made these past few weeks:

1. Halloween Masks!

2. Fall Feathers!

3. Ashlyn's Bat Costume!

Then Last week we had an amazing time going to a Fall Festival in Petaluma, it was just fantastic.  We took the masks we made and had a great time taking pictures in the pumpkin patch. I went on a hay ride for the very first time and visited a pumpkin patch for the first time since I was 5 years old!

But my favorite part of the entire day was when we went into the Creatures Cottage!  They had an OWL! I was completely enthralled ... because it was the first time I'd ever seen an owl so close up!!! Aaron was able to take an amazing picture of him, even though it was pretty dark:

So purdy, right?

And so is this little lady: 

Her outfit: 

Fox dress & Leggings {Gymboree}
Cardigan {The Childrens Place}
Shoes, {Sears}

And, of course, we've just been generally loving life and each other :}

 xox, a modern dame, xox